This page is your resource for the top most commonly asked questions. Start by viewing and printing "Favorite Recipes and Oils Now What?" doTERRA Customer Service -Live Chat open from 8am-10pm MDT M-F and 9am-2pm MDT SaturdayPhone number 800-411-8151 doTERRA Catalog/Product Guide: https://media.doterra.com/us/en/brochures/product-guide.pdf 1. I am new to oils...help! What do I do next?! Easy as 1-2-32. How to make roller, spray, veggie cap, use diffuser3. How do I order next? LRP (Rewards Monthly Ordering - Wellness Box)4. Safety and Photosensitivity5. I want to host a class & get free stuff. How?6. How to save even more with secret LRP deals7. Oil usage guide - what is safe?8. Educational Videos9. Jackson, age 12, tells you what he uses video10. Sharing & Building doTERRA11. Which plastics are safe?12. How to redeem POINTS13. I want to help someone get oils...how do I do that?14. How to take the LLV - Lifelong Vitality Essential Oil Supplements15. Return Policy16. I helped some friends enroll and I got $ from doTERRA - what for? How do I get morethank you $. doTERRA Compensation17. I Enrolled someone, now what?18. Safety Myths debunked (Allergic to oils?, Lavender & Boys Breasts, Peppermint &Eucalyptus for children, Do Oils Expire)19. How to Care for Diffusers20. Are doTERRA Oils Organic? Thank you so much for helping your friends & family begin their journey with doTERRA!Sincerely,Terri Ertlmeier

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